Learning Styles

The first step is to complete the learning style questionnaire. Complete the questionnaire before reading the explanations.

There is no right or wrong answer, this is designed to help you reach your learning potential.

If the answers are close, try using a combination of the different learning styles. 


Learning Style Questionnaire

Complete the following sentences by writing down the statement number followed by the letter. Choose one letter answer per statement that best describes you. Remember, there is no right or wrong answer.

1. When learning something new, I have to:

a) Read and view diagrams of it
b) Listen to a lecture or talk about it
c) Physically handle the material

2. When putting together equipment, I prefer to:

a) Read the directions and diagrams first
b) Have someone tell me what to do
c) Decide what to do on my own

3. When providing or getting instructions to a new address, I:

a) Map things out and put the directions in writing
b) I need someone to walk me through the directions
c) Go there and navigate myself

4. The following is true for me:

a) I like to take notes and write things down
b) I like to listen to discussions or recordings when learning
c) I like to take part in experiments or demonstrations when learning

5. When I first meet someone, I typically recall:

a) How the person appeared
b) What the person said
c) What the person did

6. When learning new words, I like to:

a) Put the words in sentences or on their own.
b) Say the words out loud in a sentence or repeat them
c) Walk around, move around and do something while learning the words

7. Whenever I spell a word, I typically:

a) Write the word
b) Spell the word aloud
c) Write the word in the air

8. I prefer to completing:

a) Reading and writing exercises
b) Listening exercises
c) Activities I participate in, role-playing and acting

9. The things I find most distracting when concentrating are:

a) People or things that I observe nearby
b) Noises and sounds
c) Activities that go on around me

10. When I think of a movie, I remember:

a) What the characters and settings in the film looked like
b) What the actors were saying and the sound of the music
c) How the characters acted and felt

11. When I want to remember information, I:

a) Write it several times
b) Repeat it out loud
c) Perform an action repeatedly

12. I like to do my schoolwork whenever I can:

a) Submit a written essay or assignment
b) Give an oral presentation
c) Lead an activity

13. The following is true for me:

a) I enjoy reading both books and magazines
b) I enjoy listening to music a lot
c) I enjoy taking field trips and other excursions.

14. I tend to favour:

a) Paintings
b) Songs
c) Dance

15. During a lecture or class, I typically:

a) Make detailed notes about what the instructor is saying
b) Don't take too many notes, and pay close attention
c) Draw pictures while listening


After you have finished completing the questionnaire, add up the total number of letters that you chose.  

  • a - visual learners

  • b - auditory learner

  • c - kinesthetic learner

The most frequent letter that you chose corresponds to your learning style. If there is a tie, then read about both learning styles below. 

Visual Learners

Visual Learners

Visual learners learn through examining, and they enjoy using symbols in various forms. They can frequently do projects after reading the directions or watching someone else do them. 

Visual Learners like: 

  • Mind maps
  • Colour – underlining and highlighting
  • Visual Learners can improve by using:

  • Box notes
  • Graphing
  • Symbols and lists
  • Charts and diagrams
  • Written instructions
  • Watching lectures and videos online
  • Using colourful pens and highlighters

  • Auditory Learners

    Auditory Learners

    Questions, dialogues, and listening help auditory learners learn. They frequently remember the entire lyrics to songs and can retain verbal directions! Auditory learners frequently hum or sing a melody, and they can typically retain the specifics of discussions.

    Auditory Learners like: 

    • To have the information explained to them instead of reading

    • Talking about issues with their peers and teachers.

    • Explaining things to others

    • When their notes are recorded and played again

    • To write down their responses after expressing them out loud

    Auditory Learners can improve by:

  • Asking lots of questions
  • Using their smartphone to record lectures
  • Watching videos and online tutorials
  • Reading notes aloud. Try using:
  • Involving themselves in discussions
  • Avoiding listening to music while studying

  • Kinesthetic Learners

    Kinesthetic Learners

    Kinesthetic learners love doing things themselves, using real-world examples, making mistakes, and employing their senses. They choose a "hands-on" method, and they are typically quite adept at solving problems without having to read or hear instructions. Physical education and other disciplines that call for physical activity are their favourite class.

    Kinesthetic Learners like: 

    • To be hands-on

    • Real-life examples

    • Field trips

    • Remembering relevant information

    • To understand the processes that lead to the answer

    Kinesthetic Learners can improve by:

  • Using cue cards , and the Cornell method
  • Take breaks to exercise
  • Use numerous examples
  • Use simulated test situations

  • Conclusion

    Every student learns differently. Being able to identify and understand your learning style will not only help you successfully store information but recall it when the time comes!